Comparison Estimates

Grievance Arbitration / Unfair Labor Practice Charge:
  • Attorney’s Fees Average
    20-25 hours (prep; hearing; post-hearing)
  • Arbitrator Fees
    2-3 days at $1,000 - $2,000 per day
    $2,000 – $6,000
  • Transcripts and other costs
    Roughly $200-$300 a day
Total = Est. $8,000 – $13,000
Interest Arbitration:
  • Attorney’s Fees Average
    40-60 hours (prep; hearing(s); post-hearing)
    $15,000 – $20,000
  • Arbitrator Fees
    $10,000 split between the parties
  • Expert Fees (Forensic Acct)
    $375/ an hour for testimony
  • Benefit Comparison
    $500 (approximate)
  • Transcription
    Roughly $200-$300 a day
Total = Est. $25,000 – $60,000

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